Reading Free Trash

Trash - In the near future, society is split ever more into haves and have-nots. People will gladly pay through the teeth for the latest must-have product. Most famous and desirable of all these is a new 'green' furnishing material called Kalsinum, nicknamed 'Trash' by the popular press, due to its recycled components. Nina, a young biochemist goes to work at the labs that produce it, and meets the dashing but troubled Doctor Edwards. One by one, she uncovers the secrets behind her predecessor's departure; the unusual recruitment techniques used by the company; and the disturbing truth behind Kalsinum, unknown even to the people working with it...

Free Reading Trash

Book Details

️Book Title : Trash
⚡Book Author : Thrsa Hedges
⚡Page : 262 pages
⚡Published September 23rd 2017 by Brithrwey


In the near future, society is split ever more into haves and have-nots. People will gladly pay through the teeth for the latest must-have product. Most famous and desirable of all these is a new 'green' furnishing material called Kalsinum, nicknamed 'Trash' by the popular press, due to its recycled components. Nina, a young biochemist goes to work at the labs that produce it, and meets the dashing but troubled Doctor Edwards. One by one, she uncovers the secrets behind her predecessor's departure; the unusual recruitment techniques used by the company; and the disturbing truth behind Kalsinum, unknown even to the people working with it...

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